Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a picture is worth a thousand words

the more i love Jesus, the more i want to spend time with Him.
the more i spend time with Him, the more i love Him.

i tend to complicate the very simple principles of love and relationship. for us visual learners, i am grateful for the imperfect yet beautiful image of how marriage is supposed to be a picture of Christ and the church. imagine a wife who readily proclaims her love for her husband yet neglects every opportunity to spend time with him, or a husband and wife who never spend time alone and are always surrounded by others, or a husband and wife who never just lived-they always had an agenda or a schedule. sounds absurd? yeah, and i'd say hardly a relationship. how then, could i claim to love Christ and forgo any opportunity to spend time with Him, or be satisfied simply with corporate worship and neglect the intimacy of spending time with just me and Him, or always hearing from/about Him though a book or study rather than taking a moment to just sit at His feet? i can't.

the more i spend time with Him, the more i love Him.

being in the word has a profound effect on how i view God. i tend to forget that when i slow down and listen, He will speak. today was great. while my intentional time to spend with God isn't limited to once a month, i love third wednesday. conveniently, my school is closed every third wednesday of the month so i really have the entire day to intentionally press in and thank God for the over abundant blessings He has given me, seek His heart, to fall before and intercede on behalf of the lives and circumstances He has put before me. today, i feel like i got a glimpse of His heart and my only response can be to love Him more.


  1. Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement. I needed them and I'm guessing I'm not the only one, but if I am...thanks!

  2. You got me with your analogy. I realized that I need to spend more time with Him alone to be able to be in a love relationship with me. I want to consider God as my husband but how can I do that without spending time with him? You gave me a lot to think about. Thanks Dannnah!

  3. dannah, this is so beautiful. i don't know what else to say because i just loved it.

  4. So good! Our intentionality totally sets the mood for our entire walk. Thanks for saying it how it really is. Awesome.

  5. I love you and your heart!! I have been encouraged and stretched by our conversations and my time with you. Thanks for sharing this. I also needed to be reminded of this. I am learning to rest and spend time with God. I want to see Him as my Lover and to grow in my relationship with Him.
    Love ya lots!

  6. DANNAH! yes, thank you. I love this so much. you have such a beautiful heart, that is so obviously pursuing Christ. beautiful!

  7. Great comparison. Even though I'm not married.. Still is relevant. :)

  8. amen amen amen amen. I whole-heartedly agree and want to encourage you to keep being intentional!!! : )
