Tuesday, June 7, 2011

i know He is working.
i don’t always
i rarely know what He is up to. 
it’s ok though.
i trust Him completely. 
i trust that He is using my circumstances, 
He is using you, 
He is using this place, 
to cause me to become a better lover of Him. 
my eyes are on Him.
my heart is in the palm of His hands.
i still ask why.
i still cringe at the discomfort.
i still shed tears.
but i’m learning.


  1. I love you. I've been praying for you since I ran into you sunday night, which I'm so glad I did by the way. you are so amazingly strong dannah. keep on trusting Him. He will follow through, I promise. thank you for opening up the other night, it was a huge blessing to me. your openness and humility is something I really respect and love about you. thinking about you and praying for you right now love.

  2. so good dannah thank you for this. In these times of need we HAVE to believe that He makes all things work together for the good of those who love him, even when, to us, it makes ABSOLUTELY zero sense what that good will be. But then again breathing creation into existence doesnt really make sense to us either... love you dannah :)

  3. so true so true so true. all I can say is I second what zach said and I am praying for you and I find it incredibly encouraging to know that you are feeling precisely what I am feeling and I still don't know your circumstances. don't ever ever think you are alone. because you are NOT. you are loved and cherished the way that you were created. thank you for loving others that way that you do and for being so willing to pray with people. your gentleness IS evident. and HE IS WORKING. He is because He says He is. even when neither you nor I can see it.

  4. Encouraging. And let's hang out sometime. Barely got to say hi to you the other day at Orange.

  5. Amen! God is working and it can be so hard to trust when we can't see or understand what is happening. I have seen God work in your life and difficult circumstances already. I know He will bring and guide you to a mountaintop so that you can look back and see all that He has done. He loves you so much and is using you! Just know you are loved by Him and He is here with open arms for you to run to. Love you!

  6. beautiful. I very much like this. At first I just brushed it off, but for some reason I had a thought to read it again and bam! It was good. So thanks :)

  7. I'm talking to Jesus for you and about you. Thanking Him that you are in my life and that we are able to learn from one another, support one another, laugh with one another. May I be able to spend some quality time with you soon. Please no more tears. Love to you dear.

  8. We're always learning, aren't we? :) It's SOO hard to KNOW that He's working but not SEE what He's working towards creating or not being able to see the finished product in our lives here and now when WE want it to be. There is comfort and excitement in knowing that He IS working and not having control over it. He works for HIS glory and OUR good.
